Edge of the Weald- Pixie Hunters

"Dey protect 'gainst fey magic." Then, pixies!

The purple orc screams as he is stabbed, and flails around with his net. If a pixie is caught in it, they'll find the net is made from the sticky threads of a giant spider's web. At least, until the poison sets in, at which point he stops, every muscle rigid, and slowly falls over.

The orange orc is blinded, and then stabbed. His net-crossbow is fired randomly and may accidentally either catch a pixie in its strands of the same material as the purple orc's net or hit Nadas. Meanwhile, he falls over as his legs muscles spasm uncontrollably and won't stay still long enough for him to stay upright.

The blue orc runt is blinded, and screams. He drops the cart of pixie-holding jars and covers his face with his hands as he runs blindly into the forest. He'll stop when he hits a tree, cliff, chasm, or another fey, and not before.

The armoured orc's amulet flares as it prevents the pixie dust from working and tries to catch the pixies in her net. She's undeterred by the chaos amongst her colleagues; orcs fight as an undisciplined mob a lot of the time and she's used to working through chaos.

The priestess screams as she's slowly diced from the feet up. She holds her staff above her head and tries walking forwards on what's left of her feet. If the effect follows her, she gets shorter as they slowly hack away at her lower legs.