Morn nodded. Reason was comming back. She wouldn't be so rude as Andal, and she understood their fear.
She had had fear hammering through her for a while.

"I... I understand. I knew not till now who caused this, and I can tell you that my family wouldn't have been apart of this, and neither have I... I cannot prove to you that I mean you no harm other than to offer you my presence in a non threatening way, but as proof of myself."

Morn reached to her left hand, looked down, and removed her signet ring.
She then threw it to the Elijah. It was the signit ring all Brightsheen's wore, but it was only used as a proof in truth as to prove acknowledgement, or in letters.

"Permission to aproach."


Those with Knowledge: Royalty, History, Local or those whose characters are more on the outs or attention paying, know that the Brightsheen family are a somewhat low ranked but ambitious family, with draconic features due to a recent interbreeding with blue dragons. It is known that some members have sorcerous powers, both identicle and different to a sorcerer, and it is rummered that all do.