Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
Not sure if start of porn movie or slasher flick

I wouldn't think so, but it's a possibility.
Gay people don't need to play gay characters, just like heterofolk don't need to play heterofolk. Although being an all-queer pack would be interesting. It would have to deal with prejudice from other Uratha though, else why would they have to band together?
(I misspoke, sorries.)

I think I'm actually goin to have to go online and do some troubleshooting.
*Crosses her fingers~*

But that's not a jock/nerd dichotomy. That's people. You can try and fit that square peg into a round hole, but it's circumstantial. The fact that needs and jocks get along disproves the existence of the stereotype.

You also see it happening in a different form nowadays. The gangsta kids are the new jocks, because now adults in the industry are aroun ho grew up with gangsta kids and not jocks.
Well, I meant to say that there was a lot of nerd-shaming... True, though.

Nah, masculine displays take more forms than actual chest thumping. It's prevalent all over, even so far as how friends arrange themselves when talking to people outside the group.
Good point... Lots of chest-puffing, double-arm flexes, that sorta thing. Gah, chests everywhere. @.@

Yeah, but French is only about 60% as emotionally fulfilling. I'm one of those Americans who heavily identified with my Irish heritage, remember?

That being said, it's a beautiful language and I'd like to pick it up. It sits lavender in my mind, and has its place. Different than te deep bluegreen and orange sparks of Irish.
Sounds like you want to learn Irish more than French... Perhaps you should start on the former?

yeah, I spent a good six years with all my facial hair skewed a half centimeter to the left. >_<

Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
I guess I would also like to be more like my avatar. I wouldn't mind being anime art-style, it is after all my favorite art style.

but not this specific one. I change avatars quite a lot, so it would be more me wanting to be this avatar shapeshifter person. or just a shapeshifter in general. you could learn a lot about people from being a shapeshifter. and I wouldn't need to worry about whether I'm transgender or not. and would clear up what my preferences about my own appearance are. Maybe. The thing is, having shapeshifting might actually just make me more indecisive over my own appearance. guess I'll never know….

oh well. I guess this post is vaguely related enough to the subject at hand...
I wish I could be a shapeshifter. That'd be sweet~ X3

*Hugs* Wanna talk about it?
