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Thread: [NEXUS] The Weald III

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [NEXUS] The Weald III

    [Edge of the Weald - Pixie Hunters]

    The redheaded pixie nimbly dodges around the net and cackles triumphantly as the orc collapses. He flits down to land on the purple skinned orc's neck and tries to stab viciously and repeatedly into his jugular.

    The twin that blinded him gets caught by the edge of the net and is sent flying through the air, caught in the net and carried by its momentum. Her sister decides not to press the attack, and instead flies after her to try and free her.

    The three bow wielding pixies don't pursue the blue skin. Anyone who runs blindly through the Weald like that is likely going to die anyway. It'd be more risky to chase after him, in fact.

    The heavily armoured orc manages to catch the black haired pixie in her net. She screams and her friend responds. The rainbow haired pixie shoots forward toward the the green skin's face and tries to bury her spear as deep as she can into the orc's eye.

    Thankfully for the priestess, the pixie dust doesn't make it that sharp. It'll cut through flesh, but certainly not bone, and the effect only applies to the plants hit by the pixie dust. That doesn't mean she's out of the woods, though. While she's distracted by the painful plants and moving away from them, the two pixies fly toward her throat, trying to jab at her jugular, but only with quick flyby strikes. They don't want to get hit themselves, though they are taking a risk by getting so close.

    Nadas remains unharassed by pixies.
    Last edited by Gullara; 2012-09-06 at 12:38 AM.