[Edge of the Weald - Pixie Hunters]

The redheaded pixie, splattered with his foe's blood, decides that the orange orc needs dealing with. He tries to land on his neck and kill him the same way he did the purple skin.

The twins are out of the way for another round. Those nets are sticky and hard to get away from. Pixie dust will be used to help it along.

The rainbow haired pixie will have a leg caught in the green skin's teeth! But there's potentially a cost. When the orc bites, the pixie turns her spear so it'll stab deeply into her foe's lip. With any luck it'll be enough to make the orc release her.

And if that's not enough, the three bow wielding pixies rapidly respond to her cry of pain. They flit over to the green skin and will fire arrows at every exposed bit of flesh they can target. Primarily near the face when they have little risk of hitting their friend.

The pixies attacking the elder back off when the fire appears. They both take spears more suited to throwing off their backs and launch them toward the albino's eyes.