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Thread: [NEXUS] The Weald III

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Beyond the Wall

    Default Re: [NEXUS] The Weald III

    [Edge of the Weald - Pixie Hunters]

    The free pixies manage to get out of the way, but the slap hits rainbow hair solidly. She'd been staying upright with her wings earlier, but now she just hangs limp, not making a sound.

    The pixies swarm back in, thrown into a rage. It seems impossible that they could have attacked with more ferocity, but they do. Four go for the throat, two on each jugular, and the remaining two try and support their possibly dead companion while still stabbing at the orc's mouth.

    The pixie holding her limp friend deposits him in a nearby tree and comes rushing back toward the priestess. She flies a quick circle dangerously close to the albino's feet, sprinkling pixie just over the ground. The ground and plant life both become incredibly slippery.
    Last edited by Gullara; 2012-09-07 at 05:19 PM.