Roseford Island has been a quiet, peaceful town for many generations. The majority of the island are simple farmers and shop keepers, all with very little money to their names, so why the pirates came is anyone's guess.

Three years ago, Roseford's transport ship, in charge of moving crops to a larger town to sell was taken over at sea. It quickly returned to the island loaded with the Blue Moon pirate crew, one of the largest pirate crews in East Blue.

The village was taken over in a matter of hours, bringing with it 7 casualties and many more injuries from those that fought back. The pirate crew had full control of the island. Nobody entered or exited the village, all postal was inspected and read before leaving or entering, and every shipment paid 40% to the pirates.

Life went on for the villagers. Under the constant fear of the pirates, and living became harder with less and less of a cash flow going through the village. After three years of living this way, a small wrecked dingy has washed up on the shore after a terrible storm. One man was left on its remains, unconscious and badly wounded. Luckily for him, a villager found him before the pirates did.

This is where our story begins...


The sun had finally decided to show itself to the small island again after the horrible storm that lasted three days. Due to the storm, the cargo ship for Roseford has been late this week, causing the shipments to get backed up in the warehouse by the dock. When the ship finally pulled into the dock, a few dozen Blue Moon pirates rounded up who they could to load up the ship and get it back on schedule.

"Come on! Get a move on! We still got a few hundred more crates to move!" The pirate supervisor yelled over the dozen pirates and villagers running around. As he yells, two pirates walk off the ship carrying a long slim crate each and bring it over to the supervisor, muttering something.

"What? Hell no, I need you two here. Send some of the kids, they're just slowing us down anyway. Hey, you two! Get over here!" As he bellows over the crowd, he points over at the two youngest in the crowd, Lann and Richard.

As you approach, the two long slim crates get shoved into your arms. "Both of you, take these up the beach here to the mansion and give them to the guards outside, then hurry your ass back here and get back to work."

A fair hike up the beach, when you can just see the ship behind you and a large mansion in front, you spot what appears to be a pile of wood scattered across the beach. Upon closer inspection, you find it is the remains of a wrecked dingy with an unconscious woman stretched over one of the wreck. Her long dark blue hair draped over her remains of her torn clothes.