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Thread: One Piece - Roseford Pirates

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2012
    Mississippi, USA

    Default Re: One Piece - Roseford Pirates

    Richard stumbled as the other boy pushed him.

    "Hey, watch where you're-" he started to say, but paused as the kid looked like he knew what he was doing. Of course, both of them were kids, and this chick looked bad. And pretty.

    Before he knew it he found himself dropping the crate and starting to lift the woman up, careful not to jostle any broken bones (and to avoid any protests from the other kid). Thanks to his great strength, Dr. Hedges had made him act as an impromptu ambulance on several occasions; while he didn't know much about doctoring, he knew enough from experience to not screw things up worse.

    "Kid," he said, although the boy didn't look all that much younger than him. "You should prolly grab my crate and run off to the pirates. I'm sure they'll notice if their shipment doesn't come in. If they ask where I went, tell 'em I ran off and left you alone or something. I'll get this lady to the doctor."

    If Lann wants to follow Richard, he can, but do remember to bring at least one of those boxes. Slim crates pique my interest.

    Do let me know if Richard needs to roll for lifting up an injured, unconscious lady.
    Last edited by Astro_sol; 2012-09-08 at 03:43 PM.