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Thread: [NEXUS] The Weald III

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Gullara's Avatar

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    Beyond the Wall

    Default Re: [NEXUS] The Weald III

    [Edge of the Weald - Pixie Hunted]

    "Then why're you hiding?" One pixie demands.

    "Listen here. If we find out you had someway of helping our friend and she dies just because you're too much of a coward, then we'll make you wish you did die with those orcs."

    Meanwhile, the pixies have been joined by two others. One gets the idea to apply pixie dust to the wood with the intent of softening it so they can start digging through with their spears. It'd take a bit of time.
    Last edited by Gullara; 2012-09-08 at 07:48 PM.