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Third Class, Spheriod Oddity
I like the name; its different. You got me hooked in the opening description. Drop the bold, however. Its distracting and makes it painfully clear that you're going for a meme. I might drop the meme as well, actually. I don't like the description under Prerequisites; it feels like its talking down to the reader. You are the first person I've seen to cite anything, so kudos to you!

You fall into the same trap that Weilder of the Dimensional Galley does. Your writing style is far too narrative. Don't use phrases like, "You get attached. Like, REALLY attached." I would never print that in a book. Use phrases like, "You become enthralled by the mysteries of your aberrant sphere, its scintillating light calling you ever closer to the Far Realms." That's much more interesting to read. You also use too much tongue in cheek for my tastes. Its not a good thing; players want options they can seriously consider. Why should they consider you when you won't take yourself seriously? That's why ErrantX usually disqualifies people who write joke Prestige Classes. As much as I like your idea and opening, I would disqualify you for the silliness if I were in his shoes.

Give specific citations. Mark your creatures with things like daggers (†) and add a like saying "creatures or templates marked with a dagger ( † ) can be found in Wizard's of the Coast's Monster Manual 5, 3.5 Edition. You do not want to confuse those you are trying to write for and if most people don't know where to look for something, they're not going to look. Your writing also suffers from comma syndrome; make your sentences clear and to the point. Don't constantly weigh them down with an endless deluge of commas and semicolons. Abbreviating things (such as SLA for spell-like ability) makes you look lazy and if you publish the product, you run the risk of someone not knowing all of the wonderful abbreviations that have a tendency to spawn among a 'fandom'. Also, Realsian is not a real word. Do not pretend it is. It sounds terrible.

For your capstone, you never describe what the creature's horrific form does or looks like. If you're going to make me obscure it with disguise self, I should at least get some benefits. As written, this is what the ability says, "You're ugly, so put this magical bag on your head forever."

Rating: 5 / 10. It was interesting at first, but the lame puns and the tongue-in-cheek writing combined with an average class mechanically leads to an overall below-average rating. I wish you had kept with the strong introduction you had, before you got all silly.

Fourth Class, Enigmatician
Cool name. Description is short, sweet, and to the point. I like it. Nice to see a citation for your new feat. If you are required to craft a wondrous item in order to take levels in this class, then why isn't Craft Wondrous Item a prerequisite? Your description of the puzzle box itself could use some cleaning up; you repeat yourself several times in the first paragraph alone. Since the puzzle box IS a wondrous item, why do you need the line, "just like a wondrous item."? That is redundant. The rules regarding the puzzle box are not written well; its like trying to solve a puzzle to understand them! You need to clean this up or you are not going to win, because no one will know what the hells your class does.

Rating: 4/10. This seems like a cool class and I want to like it, but your lack of clear, concise wording makes it difficult to understand and as such I can't enjoy it.