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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fire emblem 7 Nuzlocke inspired/Let's play

    Final chapter Light part 1

    Illven We don't exactly have a choice. He's got the legendary weapons

    Illven Light magic? Is it Saint Elimine's tome?

    Illven So our plan is to blast Nergal with god's own personal anti-son of a bitch magic.

    Athos and do him much harm.

    Athos And for Hector, Armads.

    Athos This is the Sol Katti.
    Illven You people are real creative with names aren't you.

    Athos But... Mm.

    Illven Yeah, I figured I'd have the rest of them, hold up a rear-guard in-case there's anymore morphs on the island

    Ah Hector, your journey here has been an interesting one. One full of disappointment and regrets that you were the main lord. You tried turning it around but it was too late.

    Nils. The bard. Well you were a dodge tank for Lyn's mode, and can still take a bit of a hit.

    Lyn Your journey here was at first promising, then disappointing. But you turned yourself around much better then Hector did. You've got not terrible offense. Great dodging, and wonderful Hp, making you a real tank.

    Eliwood. You were so promising, but as Lyn decided to gain better level ups, yours started sucking. Now the only thing good about you, is your resistance.

    Athos. Not much to say.

    Well considering the game was conspiring to make sure I didn't get a decent magic user, I'm really happy I trained Nino up. My only problem with her, is she still doesn't have a good staff rank.

    Jaffar You were really only brought along for your A support with Nino. So here's hoping it helps.

    Dart Well you and Rebecca would have made a wonderful pair. Ah well. At least you took being brought to 32x as a incentive to max Strength and Speed.

    Oswin my early game MVP, then your level ups started getting weaker and weaker. At least you still have good Strength and Defense.

    Oh Guy my myrmidon that thinks he's a Mercenary. You were my favorite. I love Swordmasters, and seeing one that got blessed my the RNG goddess like you, was wonderful.

    Florina my late game MVP. You looked at your averages, and said **** that. I'm capping four stats. And then I gave you boots, and the Delphi shield. And you could do anything.

    Ah Canas. The man who wished he were a snail. Or something because seriously your speed growth was terrible. I mean your other stats more then made up for it but still.

    Illven can I ask a favor?
    Illven Depends, what is it?
    Can you please not send Pent to fight.
    Illven Well I wasn't. I was going to have Pent lead the rear-guard. I mean there still may be fighting but it'll be easier for the rear-guard.
    Thank you Illven. But I'm not sure Pent should be leading.
    Illven Really? I'm surprised, I thought you would have more confidence in him.
    Well, normally I would. But right now he's a bit distracted.
    Illven Hm?
    I'm pregnant.
    Illven Hm! Congratulations!
    Thank you. I think Erk should lead though. He won't be as distracted.
    Illven I'll talk to Pent about it.

    Florina, I want you to hang back.
    Florina Hector!
    I... I can't lose you too.
    Florina Too? What do you.... Nevermind, Hector I can handle myself.
    Florina Hector, I promise not to die. I will be fine.

    Illven Nils are you okay?
    Yes, Illven. I'm ready to help.
    Illven Can you really tell us nothing more about what's back there.
    Well most of the energies back there. They.... It's like they are familiar, but changed, corrupted. It's really weird.
    Illven I wonder what that means.

    Lyn Kent, Sain, Wil. This may be my last order as princess of Caelin. If I fail, I want you to do whatever you can to protect my grandfather against the dragons.
    Kent I wish I could come and aid you milady.
    Sain So after all this is over. Shall I tell you and Lord Eliwood the most romantic spots in Lycia.
    Wil I'd be able to help if Illven ever gave me a chance.
    Lyn Kent the best way you could aid me is by protecting my grandfather, and Wil Illven was literally summoned from another world to aid us. I trust his judgment more then yours
    Sain What about me!
    Lyn ... Sain. You never say anything worth merit.

    Lyn Eliwood, I hope there will be no nonsense about me staying back.
    Of course not Lyn, I wouldn't feel as half as safe without you at my back.
    Lyn Heh. You feel safe at all. You're a braver person then I
    Lyn, we'll be fine. We're together are we not. Together we can overcome anything, right?
    Lyn Heh. I suppose we can.

    Nino My family.... Nergal's back there Jaffar.
    Jaffar ... Are you ready?
    Nino I... I think so. I mean I have to be right. If we can't....
    Jaffar You'll be fine. I've never met a more talented magic user.
    Nino ... Jaffar.

    Jaffar Legault!
    Legault What! Oh Elimine. You startled me Jaffar.
    Jaffar Legault, if I die I want you to look after Nino.
    Legault Jaffar. I'm sure you mean to be sweet. But... How am I supposed to protect Nino. She's so much stronger then I.
    Jaffar Not that... I mean, keep her from being lied to, trusting the wrong people.
    Legault Oh. I can do that. I suppose.
    Jaffar On the honor of the old fang.
    Legault On the honor of the old fang.

    Saint.Elimine.... I don't know what to say. I.. I can't stop flashing back to that moment. The moment I killed my sister. I.. I wish beyond words that I could take it back. But I... I can't and I don't know what to do. They need me. They need me for the final battle with Nergal. But all I want to do is drop my axe and put it behind me. I... I will help them one last time. I... It's what you want right? And then I'll drop my axe forever more.

    Lord Eliwood can we talk?
    Sure Oswin, Lyn one second... What's wrong?
    About Lord Hector. You wanted to know what was wrong.
    Yeah, what is it?
    ... Lord Uther is dead.
    He.... it was illness. The same kind that took their father. He died shortly before we returned to Castle Ostia
    And Hector....
    He didn't want to tell you so that you wouldn't worry. The only ones who know are me, Matthew, and Illven.
    I see. Thank you for telling me Oswin.

    So, how's my favorite swordmaster?
    Guy Oh, Matthew I haven't seen you around recently.
    Yeah, I've been busy with my other duties. I still believe you owe me favors.
    Guy Oh Matthew, is now really the time?
    Favor number 1
    Guy *sigh*
    Don't die. Favor number 2 Do whatever you can to keep Hector and Florina safe.
    Guy Oh, is that it. That was what I planned anyway.

    Florina Lyn, we're good, right?
    Lyn Hm? Why wouldn't we be?
    Florina When... When I got really jealous about you and Eliwood.
    Lyn Florina. It's fine. You got over it. Me and Eliwood are together. Everything worked out.
    Florina Thank you Lyn.

    So, Illven. This will be a battle for the ages. Any advice you'd like to give.
    Illven Um gang up on whoever you can, stay near a healer, and don't get ganged up on.
    .... Illven, that's not tactical brilliance
    Illven I fly by instinct and understanding the rules.

    Illven Okay, Marcus before you go. Get the ice and just put it here.
    You were serious about that.
    Illven Yes.... You didn't get it did you.
    It seemed like a joke. You have a weird sense of humor.
    Illven If we all die to dragons, I'm blaming you.

    Merlinus ...Sniff ooh...

    Illven That's nice Hector.

    Merlinus For the rest of my days,

    Illven We'll do our best Merlinus.

    Illven Okay, Hector's dump stat is clearly charisma.

    Characters that speak in this update


    And so the final chapter begins. Tell me what you think of the added dialogue.
    Last edited by Illven; 2012-09-08 at 11:48 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deme View Post
    One day, we must all have our characters butchered by romhacks face our ends.
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