Mni had been doing minor repairs all morning, luckily most of the damage was superficial. As she finished nailing down a loose board she took a mental note of her progress. She'd gotten the small stuff out of the way, the only thing that remained was some patch work on the starboard.

Which created a problem, the supplies she needed weren't on board and Gonshiro was keeping an eye on whoever was coming and going. She was allowed to leave, but surely he would heckle her.

Mni made her way above board and nervously peered over the railing. Hopefully Mr. Gonshiro wouldn't spot her. Her hands began to clam up as she looked for him and fear began to set in. Several minutes pasted and she still didn't see him, her mind eased up and she slipped out when no one was paying attention. She started walking away from the boat. Thoughts of her discovery raced through her mind and her breath quickened. Mr. Gonshire isn't here. Mr. Gonshire isn't here. Mr. Gonshire is... Her head and heart pounded as she resasured herself.