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Thread: One Piece - Roseford Pirates

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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: One Piece - Roseford Pirates

    Lann takes a moment to take a deep breath and then explains things to the wonderful Dr. Hedges. "We were down at the docks because the pirates have gathered up people to help bring in the shipment so they can get back on their schedule. They told Richard and I to take these crates up to the mansion up the beach, so we took them and started walking." He stopped for a second to breathe. "Richard got to their before I did, but it seems like this woman was out on a dingy during the storm. Her boat was trashed and we found her unconcious on the beach. I checked her pulse before Richard moved her and I followed him as he carried him here to you, Dr. Hedges."

    He looked over at Richard. "It seems like he knows who to go to for the best help." The good doctor had been involved in Lann's life from an early point due to his poor health. He looked at the crates he was holding. "I don't know what they are. I was just carrying them."
    Last edited by Jacior; 2012-09-09 at 02:04 PM.