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Thread: One Piece - Roseford Pirates

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Aug 2012

    Default Re: One Piece - Roseford Pirates

    Arriving at the storage building, Mni removes the tarp from the lumber stocks and folds it next to the pile. Seems like it did its job, most of the wood looks dry. While grabbing a couple of the shorter pieces to haul back to the ship a pain shoots through her thick leather glove. As she removes the glove a grimaces look appears on her face, apparently someone made the mistake of loading a plank full of nails into the pile. In a hurry she applies pressure to the bloody injury makes off towards the doctor's office.

    Pushing the door open with her right shoulder she sets the overhead bell off. She sees the others waiting around with an obviously more important client so she moves off to the side and sits down on a chair if possible. She redresses the wound the best she can while she waits.
    Last edited by Elbeyon; 2012-09-10 at 02:07 AM.