Closing his eyes, he put his arms behind his back and turned his back to Jacob. He stood for nearly a minute before he said anything at all. "Hmm... ha... HA... HAHAHAHAHA!! HAHAHAHAAAHA!!" Propping himself up on a nearby crate, he caught his breath. "Whoooo boy, you got a mighty high opinion of yerself squirt. Nah, thats not where I've seen ya before. But don't worry, it isn't important."

Composing himself once more, he looked up at the big kid and waved off the formality. "Bah, folks call me Raylow. I'm just a humble musician by trade. I'm just hiding out from dem blue bottom pirates. Nasty lot, and not to bright." Removing a small blue brush, he started combing his beard absentmindedly. "Reckon how long its gonna last... not too much longer I'm sure."