As you pull at the wooden crate, you find that it was simply attached as protection for a slim metal case inside. With a quick glance, you easily see that the metal appears to be quite thick and refuses to open, but you can't find a single hatch, lever, or even a lock of any kind on it.


As you open the crate you dragged to the alley, you easily pry it open, finding the crate of new fishing supplies for the harbour shop that the old man has eagerly been waiting for.


Dr. Hedges looks past the two boys in front of her and notices the girl walking in with the bloody hand. "I'll be with you in a second dear." With that, Dr. Hedges grabs Richard's hands and pulls him closer to the girl, making him apply pressure to the wound under the unconscious girl's collar bone, then walks away in a hurry to the window, grabbing what looks like an old school bell and rings it out the window. The echo travels through the village, reaching Jacob as an alarm that she needs help at the clinic. She then walks past the three to help the girl and her hand, talking over her shoulder "Just hold pressure on her wound, it'll heal faster by holding the medicine to it."