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Thread: Characters of the Town (OOC)

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Characters of the Town (OOC)

    Characters Played by Sophistemon

    The Distinguished Gentleman

    [Stats and Description]
    Race: Unknown, though appears human.
    Age: Unknown, though appears to be in mid-thirties (for a human).
    Class: Unknown.
    Alignment and Temperament: True Neutral. Friendly, though reserved.
    Height: Six feet, six inches tall.
    Weight: Unknown, though appears to be around 200 pounds.
    Hair: When not hidden under hat, dark brown.
    Eyes: When not obscured by hat, dark brown.
    Skin: Caucasian.
    Other Features: Oddly difficult to notice; tends to merge with (and disappear into) crowds.

    Very little is known about The Distinguished Gentleman as he is unusually silent about his past, his present, what he does, who he is, what he is, and his real name.

    [Common Knowledge]
    The Distinguished Gentleman dresses impeccably in a light-gray suit with gold buttons, dark-gray trousers, shiny black shoes and a top-hat, the brim of which is pulled low enough to obscure the top portion of his face. He is also fond of carrying a black, silver-topped cane. He is a gentleman to the core and is polite and well-mannered in every situation. He is also generous, perhaps to a fault. This generosity manifests itself in the way he runs his store, the OmniShop.

    The Distinguished Gentleman seems to have no problem casting either arcane or divine magic or even manifesting psionic powers. This is due to his knowing, in full, all of the rules that govern the universe. He is thus able to Bend (see below) these rules as he sees fit. This power has been constantly added to throughout his life, giving him now what is theoretically an unlimited ability to do whatever he pleases with the fabric of existence. Though it would appear otherwise, his cane is actually a formidable weapon in its own right, capable of acting as a blunt weapon normally and, after unscrewing the top and drawing the blade, a slashing weapon as well. It may have other, as of yet unknown, abilities. He is aware that saying "The Distinguished Gentleman" can become tiring and so he allows people to refer to him as "Gent".

    Gent’s ability to Bend the rules of the universe (a power that he shares with the Dancing Man, his mirror) is theoretically unlimited, thus giving him powers far beyond that of any god. This would be greatly unbalancing to the Town if it weren’t for the fact that Gent forces himself to abide by a very strict moral code: he refuses to Bend sentient beings and very much dislikes Bending living things in general. This code, perhaps more than anything else, shows his devotion to true neutrality. This also means that even though Gent is theoretically the most powerful being in all of creation, you don’t have to worry about him willing your characters out of existence. Should Gent be entangled in a fight, he will create a doppelganger (see below) of himself to battle in his stead. This copy, while powerful, lacks the capacity to Bend and is thus a fair opponent.

    [Current Story]
    The Distinguished Gentleman is the proprietor of the OmniShop, a duty that he is now focusing on exclusively. If for some reason he is needed outside of his he would send a Teng, a clone that is physically identical to the Gentleman but lacks the ability to Bend. A Teng's clothes are also more suited to adventuring, and he does not carry a cane. A Teng's character sheet can be found here.


    Jacky Knives

    [Stats and Description]
    Race: Human.
    Age: 21.
    Class: Street thug.
    Alignment and Temperament: Chaotic Evil. Prone to fits of barbarity and violence.
    Height: Five feet, three inches tall.
    Weight: 100 pounds.
    Hair: Dyed acidic green.
    Eyes: Predator yellow.
    Skin: Pale Caucasian.
    Other Features: The thin scar across his throat, which is evidence of his suicide.

    Jack Golgatha was a no-good street thug from New York City, our world. Life on the streets was hard for young Jack, and he quickly dropped out of school and into a gang, where his propensity for knives earned him not only a nickname, but respect. Jacky became well known in the inner circles of the NYC crime barons as a man with a penchant for sadism and a love of murder. Unfortunately, Jacky Knives made the grave error of assaulting, raping and murdering the mayor's daughter, which brought down on his head not only the authorities but also his former allies, dead-set on collecting his bounty. Jacky, not being comfortable with the idea of rotting away in a cell, took the only escape fate offered him: using his favorite knife, he gave himself an underchin smile. He closed his eyes as his life, red and hot, poured down his chest. He thought that he was closing them for the last time. When they opened again, he was in the Town.

    [Common Knowledge]
    Jacky Knives dresses in a gray tee-shirt, black trench-coat, and dark bluejeans. His hair is dyed an acidic green, and he can always be identified by the scar on his throat, which never fades.

    Upon his resurrection, Jacky discovered that not only was he in a different universe, but also stronger and faster than he had been in ours. Now capable of jumping over buildings and disappearing into the shadows, he uses his new abilities to enjoy his only passion: cold-hearted murder.

    [Current Story] Jacky appears to have developed a rudimentary conscious, and wants to atone for his evil deeds.
    • Jacky, the evil portion and Jack, the good portion, have been melded into a singular identity that calls himself John Blades.
    Last edited by Sophistemon; 2007-05-24 at 02:58 PM.