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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: [NEXUS] MagCave V: Tilt Your Head, and the Thread Number and Colon Look Like a Fa

    PatCave => Messhall

    Renee can't help but grin sweetly like every little girl can. "Just give me a second to pick up something from mother." She says before bending down near where her chamber was and examining the floor. She closes her eyes for a moment, reading a deeply ingrained message left for her in her own brain by Pat. It takes a couple minutes, but afterward she runs a fingertip along a couple shallow grooves in the floor before spitting on the place they meet. Once that's done, she steps back as a section of the floor draws back, revealing a small pit containing a little egg. She reaches in before the pit seals itself again and as they watch, the egg hatches into a small screeching "Puddin'" form.

    Renee seems to think it's the cutest thing in the world by the way she goes d'awwww.

    "Mother left it as a pet for me."
    She explains before grinning up to her father again and reaching out to take his hand as the larval Puddin' rests in her other, exhausted from it's efforts to break out of the egg. "You said something about cake?" She asks hopefully before tugging her father towards the Mess Hall.
    Last edited by UncleWolf; 2012-09-11 at 09:43 PM.