[Palace Party!]

Zee and 'Mister G' are, for the most part, observing. That's a thing that Old Ones are pretty accustomed to doing. Observing mortals. Of course, given that the both of them are dead but dreaming whilst making their little puppets dance about it would probably be a decent idea to get a little more involved in the party.

"They really do trust you enough to knowingly invite you to this sort of thing?" the rather handsome looking fellow in the snappy dress suit inquires. "I must say your way with the flatlanders is fascinating, K'rax."

Zee purses her lips a bit. "Probably a good idea to use a more respectful term for them, given the setting."

Well. The pair sure do have the buffet table well guarded at the moment. Though neither of them seem terribly interested in eating anything.