Outside the Sneaky Room


Magtok reaches into a robe, and plucks out a small USB flash drive. Wow, he didn't even stop to think that one over, did he?

"Unfettered, unquestioned and unregulated access is all right there, waiting for you. You're a smart boy, Potpan, I trust you can find a computer to plug that into all on your own. Or do you need me to hold your hand and walk us all the way to Mallside and back, too?"

There's quite a bit of testiness in Mag's tone. From his perspective, Mercy's asked for far too much already, asking for more and more when the deal was already skewed in the blue bastard's favor.

MagComputer Room

It's Remnant. Magtok is way too hesitant to even go near the portal, let alone follow Sunny through before it closes. All he manages to do is complain some more, which seems to be the only thing he knows how to do anymore as of these last few hours.

"Nooooo! My stick! I was going to harass Quinn with that! And maybe poke Reinholdt in the eye, if I saw him!"