Ponona Blvd

Quote Originally Posted by Lost_Deep View Post
Ponona Blvd


"That really wasn't necessary, we-"

Woo looks at Slii.

"Oh, hi there. Slii, W33-00. Woo, Slii Arhem The Rat Man."

"...what is he?"

"A Rat man."

"...is he infected?"

"He has all the infections."


"Well, most of them."

Woo hovers over to a nearby newspaper and starts to roll it up...

Edijar quickly summons over Mitchal, who gapes at Slii. "We can't treat him here with the other patients. We'll have to quarantine him separately."

Taul pulls Erin aside. "Healing individual patients is not going to help. They just get reinfected. We need to figure out what's going on with this disease." And he explains to her what he's learned so far.

The Original Hank's Hookahs
Quote Originally Posted by McBish View Post
The Original Hank's Hookahs

"No, I'm not."

He sounds apologetic, and sitting on the edge of his seat. Leaning forward with his hands tucked under his legs he stares at his feat. He seems ready to get up and leave, and is contemplating it. He has already said too much, the weed making him open up he now realizes. He should get up and go, walk through the door and disappear. For now he just sits, something holding him back.

Whatever was holding him back before, it may be Charity holding him back now. She tries to slide over next to him and hug him tightly. "Yes. You are."