The bells pealed throughout the city, a sorrowful tune that spoke volumes of the state of its people. For the last 12 days, it has echoed through the streets, marking the death of King Mulligan, the just and wise ruler of Carne.

In the cold and lifeless stone hall of the palace, a lone man just out of his childhood sat, his head in his hands as he took in the death of his father. He was definitely upset that his father was dead, but the weight of rulership hung heavily upon his shoulders, a feeling that smoldered him, crushed him as he pondered about it.

He was no leader. He cared not about the affairs that his father tried to teach him, and he had spent most of his life a carefree man who wanted little more than to savor all that is delicious and edible...and he still did.

He looked up at the sound of the heavy door opening, to reveal one of his guards. Perhaps a feast can calm his nerves.

"King Mu- King Vorax, you asked for me?"

"Yes. Prepare a farewell feast tonight, to mark my father's passing"

"In all due respect...we just had one 6 days ago...and another when King Mulligan di-"

"JUST DO IT!" Vorax snapped.

The guard stiffened, surprised by his new king's attitude, but did little more than to bow and leave, setting off to carry out Vorax's orders.

Vorax slumped back in the throne, looking blankly at the walls that surround him.

"When this feast is over, I'm going to pull myself together, and run the kingdom the way it's supposed to be run. No more procrastinating like 6 days ago..." he muttered to himself.

"No more..." he said as he fell asleep, escaping to his dreams, where nothing mattered but delicious, glorious food.