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    Ogre in the Playground
    Beschoren's Avatar

    Join Date
    May 2008
    Porto Alegre, Brazil

    Default Re: (IC) Aaaahhh!!!! The Slaves Got Magic!!! (IC)

    With a sound plan set you lunch yourselves to the forest, hoping to find a suitable infector for this plan. You prepare your spells and equipments, and the followers go with to gain more combat experience.

    At first your efforts are unsucessfull. Most wildlife flees before your large group arrive, and you fail to find any creatures of use. During the afternoon, you find large dilacerated carcasses close to strange trakings, unlike the usual predators. Since you're looking for quite the unusual forest dweler, you decide to follow the tracks.

    After an hour the tracks become more disperse and ocasionally you find more pieces of carcasses laying arround. You start growing suspicious of the shurbs and shadows when Elkal spots large, thin legs and shouts a warning. immediatly, many large spider-like creatures come out of hiding and prepare to attack you.


    Nova (1d20)[20]
    Uidon (1d20+1)[18]
    Seanon (1d20+2)[20]
    Elkal (1d20+4)[16]
    Korin (1d20+4)[14]
    Xilef (1d20+5)[25]
    Followers (1d20+2)[20]
    Monster (1d20+4)[15]

    In a second look to the "spiders" you see they are not normal. They have 10 legs, their bodies are covered in sharp spikes and they have several humanoid eyes rather then insectile ones. Finally, each leg has some kind of clawed hand at it's end. They are a bit clumsy are not able to really surprise your group... well, but you're surprised to see such a hideous and alien creature


    ----------- all but Korin may act!---------
    (light green: clear terrain)
    (dark green: difficult terrain (undergrowth))
    (Big trees and rocks (brown and grey things) block line of sight and movement, grant cover)

    Last edited by Beschoren; 2012-09-17 at 12:16 AM.
    Shoe, the make-belive gun dealer
    Akira, the psichyc warrior

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