Suneko frowns, then starts performing a technique. Amon identifies it as the Dimension Shift technique.

Suzunabu watches as Amon performs her technique. It looks right at the genin, smiles, then puts her son down gently in between the two of them. She takes a deep breath, then begins cycling her chakra for a technique of her own. After a few seconds her skin becomes red and her chakra signature explodes into an overwhelming source of strength. Black stripes made of chakra spread down her arms and legs as if she had tiger stripes. Suzunabu makes no attempt to dodge the Mind Transfer, and does not resist its effects so long as Amon makes no attempt to touch the boy.

Obana looks at her bloody hands then shrugs. "I guess I got too hurt. I don't wanna die, so... You can handle the rest, right little leaf-nin?" With that, Obana willingly ends her summoning and disappears in a cloud of smoke.


Dark Red - Houshi
Dark Blue - Amon
Dark Gray - Yousuke
Dark Purple - Cybele
Dark Green - Suzunabu
Yellow - Suneko
Pink - Suzunabu's son

Initiative: Amon - 24 (as Meiling)
Yousuke - 9
Houshi - 3
Cybele - 3
Meiling - 2(delayed)
Suneko - 2

Use Dimension Shift

Move action: Place son on ground.
Attack action: Activate Fierce Tiger Energy Release.