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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LIII: Stashing Ponythreads Around in Case of Ponymergency!

    Quote Originally Posted by Balmas View Post
    Blunt, put "Psychotic Easter Bunny" on my resume.

    It's something called Mutually Assured Destruction, something useful when you're in this line of work. Even as an occasional Equestrian defense contractor, safeguards are always good.

    The damage would have been minimal, my plot. You're firing an orbital battle station into one of the largest population centers of Equestria, summoning abominations left and right, waging war on your nemesis, and you say the damage would have been minimal? At that point, my bombs were only the icing on the cake that changed the outcome from "crater" to "Hemispherical depression."

    As for you, Prince Regeln, at this point I must question your motivations. After all, what has Celestia done about the mass-murdering OFC lunatic that you claim to guard? After he destroyed Canterlot, instead of hunting him down like the dog he is, she reinstates his status, and sends someone to guard him. If that isn't insanity, I don't know what is. You're emotionally compromised, refusing to believe that our princess may be off her rocker.
    There's a difference between hedging your bets and needlessly putting innocent lives at risk. What if some young foal had found one of your explosive devices? By your own admission they were highly liable to detonate if disturbed. I may be somewhat reckless, but even I'm not that irresponsible.
    As for the damage to Canterlot, my OFCs and atomic monsters might have caused some property damage at the point of conflict, but a good portion of the city would still be standing if it hadn't been for your thrice blasted explosives. And for what it's worth, the damage I inflicted was caused in the process of trying to protect Canterlot from Silent Night and his undead, not part of some contingency to protect myself from the Equestrian Government!

    Quote Originally Posted by lord pringle View Post
    But where did she learn the mustache spell?
    It was one of Princess Celestia's spells, of course.

    Last edited by Alabenson; 2012-09-18 at 10:20 AM.
    If brute force isn't working, that just means you're not using enough of it.

    When in doubt, set something on fire. If not in doubt, set something on fire anyway.

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