Scowling Dragon is ...right on all counts, believe it or not.

You can't say homestuck isn't about things that happen in the story repeatedly over years of storytelling to multiple characters. You also can't claim that major events like grieving for your dead family can happen entirely offscreen and have it be good storytelling.

Homestuck is good at a lot of things, but in terms of characterization isn't not that great, lets be honest it isn't even good. It has cool animations and it's got interesting experimental art and it's cool to see Hussie basically rip into the fandom with the trolls(and lets be honest, a good deal of us are that stupid).

But don't tell me it's this perfect story when it can objectivley be proven the writing is terrible at certain things. That isn't a fair and unbaised judgement of Homestuck's merits and flaws. That's knee-jerk reacting and it has no place in mature discussion.

I like Homestuck, I've been reading it for years. I've been here since the trolls were new and I can remember a whole bunch of the stupid things we as a fandom have done and continue to do. I am not however going to bow down and worship a Hussie Idol and sacrifice a goat to Andrew's likeness.