Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post
....... if you don't mind me asking, how do you write, those who do? I have a completely unorigonal piece of trash rattling around in my head, and I'm not sure if I'm better off venting it by trying to use some of the world in a D&D game, or writing out the story that I see whenever I close my eyes. ... I might draw an OC...

Hell, maybe I'll pull a Luka, claim the Element of Denial, and Ponify him.
Thanqol already said a lot of good, as one would expect.

Whatever you write it should first and foremost be something you want to write, and something you enjoy writing. It may be hard as hell to get those words down, you may be tearing your hair out trying to write the story, but ultimately you need to derive some sort of pleasure from the story. If, at the end, all you can say is "God dammmit, it's done! And good riddance! Never more shall I lay my eyes on this piece of horseapples! Praise Celestia, I'm done!" then obviously you did something wrong and should have stopped long ago. If instead you can breathe a sigh of relief and lean back with a satisfied smile, looking back at all the sweat, tears and blood you poured into it and be happy about what you have made and kinda sad that it's all over, then you've won!

I have a TON of story ideas, way more than I could find the time to write. Currently I have nine ponyfics sitting on my desktop that one day I'd like to write (or is currently writing, in the case of II). Some of them have a few pages written, others are just a synopsis or even just a line or two to stir my memory. I have some more stashed away somewhere that I have kinda put off indefinitely, until hell freezes over or some strange inspiration hits.

And then I have my non-pony stories, which are also piling up. The point is, ideas are important. If you only have one idea, then unless that idea totally dominates your mind and is so amazing awesome you just can't stop writing it even if you tried, then you need to get more ideas. More, and more and more! Stupid ideas, good ideas, little ideas, big ideas, sad ideas, happy ideas, all the ideas! They're good for ya! The more you have the more you can throw out, and the greater the chance that an awesome one will grab you and drag you along for the ride.

Sometimes that's what happens. A story just pops up in your head and writes itself. It's a living thing taking over your mind and body in order to escape its mental prison and enter the world, you're just a means to an end, a word-spewing puppet. Sometimes you have to force yourself to write, other times you can't stop, it just flows freely from the tips of your fingers at the whims of some distant muse. The latter moments are the most fun, and the more ideas you come up with the better the chance one will be just that kind of idea. To hell with all the other ideas, then.

As for how to write, you have to actually sit down and just do it. The hardest part is getting started, once you get going it's usually much easier. All you have to do then is make sure you don't stop, even for a second, because then you have to start again, and getting started is the hard part.

Distractions like the Internet are the bane of writing, try to shut them out. Personally I'm starting to think I need to have a few hours every day where I simply cut the power and turn off the cellphone to sit down and just write. Or even take a week off from the Internet now and then, that's something I've also thought of. A vacation from the Internet. It may sound drastic, but lately I think that's the kind of thing you need sometimes in this modern world.

Quote Originally Posted by Strife Warzeal View Post
I had the most delicious lollipop ever (Maple Bacon flavor, awesome I know) and finally sat down and read this.

I enjoyed it, and now definitely plan on continuing to read it. I really don't see what the prereader's problem with this could be. It seems fine to me. Not to insult other authors, but I've seen much more poorly written things posted upon EqD. Not to mention something as stupid as spiderses.

Wish you the best of luck on getting everything good in the eyes of your prereader-person as more readers should see this work.
Glad to hear you like it.

As Grif said, the prereaders focus a lot on aspects most other people don't, like punctuation. It actually brings up a good question, I think, of whether the prereaders are giving people what they want or not.

But I think I risk rambling here *deletes long rant already written*. Maybe I'll compose my thoughts and send them to Seth or something instead. He did ask for suggestions on how to improve the site recently.

Quote Originally Posted by Nameless View Post
I'm not really a fanfic person myself, but,
