Quote Originally Posted by Chaotic Bob View Post
[Back On The Road: To Shattered Hoof]

"Hmmm, yes, that would be the smart thing to do. But I was just getting hoofed money to do what I was going to do anyway, at the start. Seemed kinda silly to complain."
Rusty gives a little shrug, an awkward motion that causes him to have to briefly stop walking, lest he fall due to his uneven hobbling.

"Oh well. I dug my grave. Silly to complain."
Gotta accept what you've done to yourself, at the very least, if you'll accept nothing else.
"As for why...you just said part of it. Why do all of those posters give you the feathery willies?"
Sivr pauses to consider that.



She doesn't pause. She keeps walking. But she considers whilst walking. "I don't know. There's just this weird sense that she's... watching me, I guess? I know it sounds silly but..." a cough from the merc. "There used to be a big billboard of her outside Shatter Hoof. I could always see that damned thing staring in through my window when I was just a cub. I had the creeping suspicon that the giant pink pony was just waiting for me to mess up."

A shrug.

"I dunno. It's probably stupid but-"

"I know what you mean," Heimdalr pipes up. "Feels like she's watching. Glad they blew that ugly thing to splinters years ago."

The hippogriff glances over at Rusty. "Shattered Hoof used to be a prison years ago under the Ministry of Morale. There's all sorts of old pre-war stuff scattered around. Hard to escape that leering pink demon."