Oh, Cessnas. My dad still occasionally regurgitates jokes about nuclear-tipped cessnas from the 80s.

Helio: I'm sorry to hear that. I think part of it is that from growing up with lax habits and being inured to a bit of grime on non-essential surfaces and then there's the weird bit that comes from being in university and buying into some kind of cultural value that they can wait until they get older to be conscientious about such things. But there's a big blank as to the lion's share of where such things come from, even with those two potential sources for partially accounting for nurture. I've no idea what, if any, role nature plays here.

I'm currently dealing with trying to keep the place neat despite two people who are essentially invalids, another person who actively avoids staying here because it's messy and the idea of cleaning overwhelms her psyche or she overexerts herself getting one room halfway clean in a mad rush and then has to recover from the psychic trauma, and myself.

And order and organization have never been my strong suit.