The Earth's Heart

"Indeed they are." Another of Father's lost creations no doubt, one that she had not seen in the tomes of the White City. She regarded the dragon respectfully. Intelligent, powerful, and known. Three things she appreciated in a people, three things Baz'Auran's vaunted humanity did not seem to show.

"I was drawn to this place, I could feel the ash and fire in my heart from the central continent. With whom do they seek war? Why do they seek it, or is there another they act for?" Her eyes scanned below, she could not tell if these creatures of obsidian and fire were of intelligence or simply forces of nature. She wanted to learn more, but caution suggested otherwise.

Flashes of the Puppet Master flickered through her mind. What horrid secrets did these creatures hold? How many more fell things had Baz'Auran created?