Quote Originally Posted by Zevox View Post
I'm playing the console versions anyway, so that was always the case for me. Can't say I see how it's a problem either, aside from an area or two where they probably did one wave too many.
Yep cause it's fun fun fun playing every battle three times in a row!

That said, DA2 improved some things and was flat out worse at others than DAO.

Combat speed was improved, vastly. Replacing spell combos with multi-class combos was inspired from a gameplay standpoint, making interesting tactics not be solely reliant on mages. Also the style of it being narrated by Varric allowed some fun details that were in my opinion inspired like starting the game super powered and Varric's one man army scene. The concept of the game I also thought was better. We've saved the world plenty of times in video games, but watching one city grow and develop as a result of your direct actions is a creative idea.

Unfortunately the growth didn't really happen, outside of not being allowed to go into some doors some times Kirkwall looked pretty much the same no matter what or when. And while there should be a lot of things to discover in this specific city it did not have all those hidden little details and sidequests that DAO had that were so exciting to see, reusing the same maps directly reinforced the lack of wonder at the game. Encounter design was horrible, as I already touched upon earlier. The plot was, to be honest rather subpar. I like focusing on smaller stories so long as the stories are good, but the game left too much to just happen, and gave you choices that ultimately don't mean anything. Now DAO did this as well, technically in game it didn't matter if you picked Balon or Harrowmont but it felt like there was a difference. In DA2 it didn't matter if you picked Orsino or Meredith, no matter what O goes insane (for no reason it can seem) and then you fight Meredith who also goes insane (at least this one had some build up to it). Part of what makes Bioware games fun for me (I know you disagree Zevox) is player agency. Bioware gives a lot of that to their players and it's what keeps me coming back. DA2 had about the least player agency of any Bioware game I have ever played, and that was coming off of DAO which had the most. Take Redcliffe there were about 5 ways to complete that mission, I don't think DA2 had a single mission with those kind of options and I really missed that.