"Ah. You've met Talmage already," he gave a deeply weary sigh, as if a frustrating topic had just come up.

"Sit," he said, gesturing to the seats. He walked over to the window.

"This city follows a wearyingly predictable pattern these days. During the spring, Talmage forgets all the lessons of the past year and allows weakness and mercy to cloud his judgement and invite in the Dark. During summer, the monsters, drawn to Talmage's weakness, ride forth and stake their claims over minds and hearts, and Pope leads us into bloody conflict against them. During Autumn, the entire Freehold teeters on the brink of madness - all the weak, lesser monsters are dead, leaving the true nightmares to stalk the streets. And by winter, the collapse is complete, leaving those few, disciplined survivors - the ones who understand - to survive to the next year."

He turned back to face them. "I apologise for skipping the small talk and preamble, but you strike me as people to appreciate straight talking. And I'm telling you all now, for free, that the only way to survive this cycle is to be disciplined and to obey the law even when there is no law. If you doubt me, ask around and see how many of the Lost of this city have been here for more than a few years."