Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post
I can confirm that through text (either text messaging or via IM programs or Facebook chat or such) makes it much easier and appears to be relatively common too these days. The amount of dates arranged through them greatly outnumber the amount arranged via phonecall or face-to-face. (And admittably, one of the dates arranged face-to-face was basically the both of us signing up simultaneously for a Christmas dinner organized by a student club and the people there asking if we were going as each others' dates. Basically, we were Shanghaied into it. Not that either of us minded.)
The key is to ensure you make it clear it is a DATE. Otherwise you're going to be in that whole confusing place that causes tons of problems for everyone involved.

Texting and the like is a good way to hedge against rejection but it's far less personal. You're probably better off building the courage to do it in person and be ready if there is a rejection. You will get rejected at some point in your life. You need to be ready for that and not afraid of it.