Quote Originally Posted by Beowulf DW View Post
Zevox, I've noticed that you take a different approach to "blank slate" characters than I do. I like to roleplay a bit with such characters, as do most of my friends when they play video games of that sort. For example, in ME I wanted my Shepard to be based loosely on Captain Piccard (a friend of mine is playing his Shepard like a Commissar from Warhammer). That is to say, he was respectful of sentient life and tried to resolve things with as little bloodshed as possible, but he wasn't afraid to get angry and slap people around when they deserved it. My Hawke was a bit of a smart-ass, but only as a way to cope with the screwed up events of his life. He got serious when the situation called for it. Due to this approach, it's difficult for me to think of the blank-slate characters I play as blank-slates, because I take those slates and carve what I want into them.
I think this is exactly how a majority of players play WRPGs, which are traditionally blank-slate to begin with.