The days pass slowely as the column struggles towards it's rendevous with the Market escort, but even having lost everything, you can feel a certain fervor growing in the mass.

Around fires at night, songs are sung of the great heroes of Star Spire, Timaril, and Great Gate, of the Silver Horsemen, The Garrison, and The Order.

During the daily march, you hear more and more talk of joining the lists of any lord marching on their city, with oaths sworn of vengence and death...

When you finally glimps the escort and supply train over the hills, a ragged cheer goes up from the multitude, as survival and recompense now seem a certainty.

For All:
Sorry for the delay on this post, I was working up some setting details that were necissary for what's to come. You'll find them in the OOC.

If anyone would like to take actions before getting to Market, feel free to do so.

Just to note, I believe the party has roughly 13,000 gold at the moment, plus whatever Arian was carrying, if he's willing to share. (I'm just remembering that number, so correct me if it is inaccurate.)

Four days have passed, and between Malthos and Arian's restorations, you may consider yourselves fully recovered.