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Thread: General Anime Discussion: Area 11

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: General Anime Discussion: Area 11

    Quote Originally Posted by Soras Teva Gee View Post
    Now Wing yes you can pick it apart all day, but the point was that while I might call say its pseudo-remake 00 better, Wing never fails to entertain. And that has been the weakness of 00 and AGE, I didn't finish either of them because I got bored.
    I saw Wing way to long ago to have an opinion of it. I must have enjoyed it at the time but looking back on it I have no idea what it was about.

    Yet it still somehow makes more sense to me than Eureka 7. Which I'm re-watching for the first time in half a decade and hoping it will make more sense. My memories are basically "someone decided Eva clones didn't have enough cool ships, tagalong kids and blunt anti-war messages/someone decided real robot shows didn't have enough obscure mythological references, mysticism and faceless alien menaces".

    00 just suffered from having a really uninspiring first episode and coming after Destiny, which also had a really bad first episode and didn't prove worth it in the end despite it occasionally picking up.

    I won't say SEED is my favourite Gundam series since apart from Wing and Destiny its the only one I've seen all the way through, but as a rule Gundam doesn't seem to be able to hold my interest. SEED's only real success is that it manages to use its action sequences to actually carry on with the melodrama and advance the characters is a way that most action stories depressingly fail to do (sadly SEEDs down time character development isn't great). That and it doesn't have as terrible female characters as UC Gundam, but they made Destiny to put that right. and Destiny's women aren't even that bad when they aren't characters from the original series being derailed or copies of UC women.
    Last edited by Closet_Skeleton; 2012-09-24 at 05:19 PM.
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