Quote Originally Posted by Codemus View Post
So has anyone tried a melee Zero with the Love Thumper shield? Or is that just a trap shield?
I saw that shield just recently but the implication of the really long recharge timer didn't occur to me at the time. Not sure if it is a specific version or if it is a scaling one, but I saw it around level 22.
The main issue I would see with using it is the fact that sometimes the time between shields dropping and you being dead is very short by those levels. Maybe if you put a lot of skills and gear towards increasing your health and health regen, but I could see you getting knocked down early and then having to be saved every 5 seconds because you are only picked up with about 20% health. I think it could probably be done with some planning, but I think you would almost have to build your character and all of your equipment around trying to make it work.

The one really annoying thing I've found with sniping as Zero so far is that every time I spawn the shadow it runs right in front of me and blocks my view of what I want to shoot. The very quick use timer on the skill also gives very little time to switch from the activation animation and get zoomed and and get aimed and get that critical shot.