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Thread: [nWoD] Campus Vigilantes 2: Halloween

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [nWoD] Campus Vigilantes 2: Halloween

    Quote Originally Posted by savior indra View Post
    "Is that scum the man that murdered you? Do you want me to kill him for you?"
    Sophia nodded to the first question, then quickly shook her head at the second, something pleading in her eyes. Unless death had changed her greatly, Sophia had never been a hateful or vindictive person. As she began to fade away, she gave him one last, somewhat sad smile...

    She was gone by the time Karen burst into the room, Vishakha in tow.

    "Jesus Christ," breathed Karen. "What the everloving fµck happened here?"

    Vishakha knelt by Jamie Price and got to work at once, without questions. "Leave it to me," she ordered Leon and Jonah, her tone curt and businesslike. "Careful, don't remove the arrow. Give me some more toilet paper. I got this..."

    Jonah and Leon have already made their rolls this minute. They can now make team effort rolls to help Vishakha's next medicine roll.

    Wits 2 + Medicine 3: (5d10)[5][5][3][10][4](27)
    Any 10's: (3d10)[5][8][4](17)

    Edit: Jamie now has 5 aggravated wounds (out of 8 Health). 6 successes are still needed before he bleeds out.

    Allison turned to Adam. She was calmer now and just looked tired. "Time for damage control," she said quickly. "If you're found with your arrows, they'll all know you shot Jamie, and you'll have to explain why you had them in the first place even though you weren't part of my plan. Give them to me. I'll take the blame; I'm the one who drew you into this."
    Last edited by -Sentinel-; 2012-09-25 at 10:30 AM.
    Voyages of the Ghostlight (Risus)

    The Bloody Crown (WFRP) as Elsabeth Holt, rogue pyromancer and court wizard

    Quote Originally Posted by TheSummoner View Post
    Oh wow. I will never again underestimate [our characters'] ability to turn friendly conversation into a possible life or death situation.
    Quote Originally Posted by LeSwordfish View Post
    Ludo has a crowbar, if that helps.