
A creature flies in, appearing as a man-sized swan and buzzard lying back to back with their wings merging together to form a single beast of two visages...

A story at least a thousand years old tells us of how the race of the Xelcius came to complicate the world. A pair of twins, born to a lowly farmer, were birthed in the middle of a brutal winter, sickly and undersized. Though not wealthy the parents were rich in honor and the love of one another. Such it was with great reluctance, and when both babes were on the border of death, that the father braved a journey into the nearby mountains, seeking a woman said to be both a giver of curses and a masterly healer. She was known to always be honorable in her dealings, though kept her word to the literal truth, rumored to always leave a crucial keyhole through which to slip. The man and his wife had already agreed to take the risk, for otherwise it was the death of their little ones.

The witch agreed to come and save the twins if she could name her price after the deed. She promised not to take the life or health of anyone, nor any materials wants. Puzzled but desperate he agreed. He led her back down into the village and into his hut. There the witch spent all night with the twins and by the light of the rising sun she departed, leaving the babes with red, healthy faces devoid of fever. The hearts of the parents were troubled however for she had left without any mention of payment though with a smirk on her face.

Their worries soon faded away as both sons grew rapidly and without growing sick ever again. However, though one son was a model child whom listened to the teaching of his father and through his actions and deeds brought respect to their name, the other was rebellious and filled with loathing at rules and restraints. Filled with lies and deceit he was uncontrollable and lacked any constraint, voicing what came into his mind and doing whatever he wished. His father was wary of punishing however for even from his youngest years the son was able to hold grudges for many a time and held no qualms about bringing back vengeance.

The first son joined with the emporers army and rose in the ranks as he led many men to battle and recieved many honors and the respect of all. The second son however become a thief and assassin, doing whatever deed brought substantial coin. It was realized soon by the parents what the payment had been. The heart and honor of their child.

Thus it was that the first son was ordered to capture his brother and bring him to justice. Though weary in his heart he knew the deed must be done and so he set out to capture him. This was to be a task that would become an obsession as the brother would be found and a battle insue, but always he was able to escape. Though tempered in war and possessed of much skill the other was keen of mind and devious beyond all reckoning. Many a time both were close to death after their encounter and there grew a burning desire to do away with the other for all time.

During this time however each had taken a wife. The first son a woman of low standing but with a kind heart and a deep love for her husband. The other however had married a wealthy and beautiful woman after together having plotted and succeeding in killing her aged husband in secret. Neither wished the death of their husbands but their mates would not listen to reason, both intent on the downfall of the other. Thus the two met, though they detested the other, and met with the aged witch to make a deal. The witch agreed, promising that she would keep them from ever doing battle again, though once more made no mention of payment. She had been awaiting a request such as this, but had been unwilling to act until asked, remaining true to a promise spoken long ago that she would only use her powers when asked. The evil son had long ago snuck onto her mountain and stolen many expensive things so that she as well bore a grudge for him. The good son had also met with her and threatened her if she would not give him back his honor and decency, of which she refused.

When the two brothers next met and were in each other's arms as they wrestled they both found themselves unable to release the other and feathers began to grow upon their bodies. With a great force they managed to turn themselves back to back and remained that way. One became a swan of great beauty, reflecting the state of his heart while the other took on the traits of a vulture which matched that of his inner self. The evil brother immediately fell limp in the sunlight and so the other had to drag him. When the sun set however their conditions were reversed. Each time they awoke one would set out in the direction of their wife, but the direction would change as each awoke and neither could make any leeway.

During the night the vulture however managed to find one of his many contacts who upon the rising of the sun waited for the swan to awaken before knocking it out with a great blow. The man then delivered the creature to the wealthy woman. She sent a messenger to fetch the second wife as she raged at the duplicity of the witch. When both wives stood before the creature however both found themselves changing as well, one become a swan to match her husband while the other a a buzzard to match hers. They all fled then, deep into the wilderness. One had her husband during the day, the other the night. To their horror however each laid eggs that were as two combined, and what hatched was a creature cursed like that of the fathers.

A xelcius is often a very angry creature. During the night its buzzard half wreaks havoc, stealing and slaying while during the day its swan counterpart attempts to aid those harmed by its other side. To make matters worse the buzzard half will often fly upside down to appear as the swan in disguise. Neither creature is usually aware of its other half's deeds, knowing nothing of the other being upon it except for its weight and its difference in appearance. It is well that the swan is constantly attempts to thwart its other side or the fruition of the buzzard's ambitious plans would make it far more dangerous.

A xelcius weighs about 95 lbs. and stands some 5 and a half feet tall on average. They speak Common and can speak with any natural bird as the Speak With Animals spell.

Xelcius Traits

Different As Day and Night (Su): A xelcius swan is a creature of daylight and warm skies. During daylight hours it has full control over its body and gains fast healing 2 while in direct natural sunshine. When the sun has set however the swan falls into a deep coma and thus rises the buzzard who gains fast healing 2 in shadows. This is an instinctive change that occurs even if neither side is aware of the time of day. The comatose half cannot be awoken by any means short of a Wish or Miracle or some other high level spell, and only then for 1 round.

Joined (Ex): A xelcius, though different creatures, share the same body. Thus physical damage and maladies of any kind are shared between the two. The creature has two minds however, so mental conditions are not shared.

A xelcius's two parts normally give it a total of 6 HD, though each half has 3 HD for the purpose of how they are affected by some spells. When advancing a Xelcius the HD is always an equal number as the two halves contribute towards the whole.