Quote Originally Posted by Renegade Paladin View Post
Which is why the answer is applied physics /= warfare; they are not the same nor are they even similar in execution and a non-intuitive AI is definitely better suited to the first than the second.
Since when are Minds non-intuitive? I thought they were True Intelligences

Actually, I wasn't referring to RTS games but the military wargames. It is true that current wargames are run as mock battles but do you know what's even better than a mock battle? Simulating a battlefield and all the soldiers in it. Do you know what Minds can do? Exactly that. Do you know what humans cannot do? Run elaborate simulations that perfectly mimic the minds and reactions of other people.

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I've got to admit I didn't think it would be so hard to convince folks that being able to simulate a war multiple times in multiple ways is going to be a good thing. That said, I'm glad everyone is so generous with reading lists