Quote Originally Posted by Parra View Post
I think it was more that the psykers hasty attack focused on the 'crew' of the ship rather than the ship, and hence the Mind, itself
Im not sure about the memory of the Trauma itself, but they would have people to help you come to terms with it. As for pain felt, any Culture citizen can choose to feel pain or not.
Actually, from the fanfic I think the Mind just described in very understated terms the horrible deaths of the ship's entire organic crew due to the massed psyker mindlash. Brains leaking out of ears, eyeballs exploding, you name it.

Then the Mind just copied every single horribly-died crew member from stored backup (made probably no more than a few hours-days ago). So after a bit of debriefing everyone is back up to speed, and no trauma remembered. Though after having to clean up after their own mutilated corpses, the crew got "annoyed."