Quote Originally Posted by Terribad View Post
Ok I have finally met three AP mid Eves. They knew what they were doing. Very good roaming/ganker with the speed buff letting her run back to mid to prevent a push.

Opposing Eves mainly went tanky (Rylais, RoA, Abyssal). Gets squished fast if done full AP. Not particularly impressive really. Viable I think if top lane has a more bursty AP top, like say Galio or Gragas. She peaks in mid-game

Late game, not really useful imho. Main strength is in enabling snowballing on the other lanes with her ganks to close the game in mid-game stages.
No DFG to speak of? That's really strange, since that's pretty much the core for AP Eve from what I've seen. That plus her ult will pretty much gib the ADC; that's her role in late game fights from what I've seen. Where's Eve? Wher--- oh. There goes the carry.