Quote Originally Posted by Nadevoc View Post
No DFG to speak of? That's really strange, since that's pretty much the core for AP Eve from what I've seen. That plus her ult will pretty much gib the ADC; that's her role in late game fights from what I've seen. Where's Eve? Wher--- oh. There goes the carry.
I'd totally agree with this. Having played a game yesterday as Corki against an AP eve, until I built Banshee's I was a shadow of a player in teamfights. I'd manage to get a bit of dps out but once she was on me even with a Valk away I was still dying easily. After the banshees, and telling my team they HAD to stop Eve (and fast), it was more managable.

Most deaths would end up with Hate spike at around 500 damage, DFG at 3-400, Ravage at a similar level and the ult at a similar level (obviously can only see 3 damage sources per death so not sure on all of them). But the fact she can kill an ADC on her own means she's incredibly dangerous. If they don't have the ability to get away, like Corki does, then they're in even more trouble. Plus the shield on her ult can be huge if she gets the right number of people in it.