Quote Originally Posted by valadil View Post
That's a very succinct and general solution. Well done! What I'm taking away from it is that I'll probably want some other resource than points. Like if there's a favorite stat advantage that gives you something cool for a stat, but can only ever be applied to a single stat on a single character. That's N advantages available, where N is the number of stats in the game, but only one can be taken per character. This doesn't represent packages or bundles of abilities, until you start using these as prerequisites.

Seven ways is probably too many. I'd like some variety though. I'd hate to decline playing Han because I'd already been Mal.
Well, you might want to check out FATE's skill pyramid because, the way it works is, in order to raise up a skill, you need have a certain number of skills on the level below it, so that you could easily have one skill at your highest level possible provided you have enough points and enough skills below it, but, if you want to raise another skill to that level, you'll need to be able to pay to have several skills beneath it raised up. (I'm probably doing a terrible job of explaining this, so you might just want to look at this official "genericized" version of the Dresden Files Character Creation section, specifically the Skills subsection. And here's the other stuff they genericized, for you or anyone else who's interested. The magic system is noticeably missing, along with the skills, but there's still some neat stuff they've converted so far.)