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Thread: The Culture v's 40kverse

  1. - Top - End - #482
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: The Culture v's 40kverse

    I suppose the question then is really:

    Can the Culture vs 40K 'verse in the given scenario manage to come out on top (aka. good end) and still remain the same recognizably free and utopian-like Culture that we know and love/hate?

    Because if they go all ruthless like the IoM, I don't think its possible to question that they win. (if the IoM can survive Chaos, so can they if they adopt IoM practices) But what remains will look rather alot like a slightly less grimdark IoM.
    How much less grimdark depends on the interpretation of Chaos. If its a "solvable" problem, then it is only a little grimdark. The Culture might be able to solve the problem if they are shown what to do (whether that is replicate Cadian pylons or just neuter the dreams of every single organic). It will be a mite oppressive until its done, and you don't have a say in refusing the solution (sorry, cultist, you're going to get "corrected"), but overall, the galaxy gets alot nicer.

    If Chaos is not a "solvable" problem and the Culture has to be on permanent damage control, then its more grimdark:
    A fleet of super advanced drone ships sitting out there in the solar system, you can't see them, they can see you. All of you, all the time, even in your head. And if you look like Chaos or Orks or anyone else the Culture doesn't like, you just vanish into thin air or get "adjusted".

    Other than that, life is just like it was in 40K, only less war and dying. War being one of the things the Culture doesn't like. Perhaps in a couple of centuries, the IoM economies might finally rebuild themselves into a civilian footing.

    EDIT: in this one, the Culture are going to be more stand-offish and less overtly helpful to avoid contamination.

    IMO, they can maybe do it while sticking to their principle; very luck based and the Eldar decision to contact or not appears to be a key event (the Eldar get to choose basically).
    That sort of encounter looks balanced, as we RPG gamers like to say. =D
    Last edited by jseah; 2012-10-02 at 04:24 PM.