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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
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    Default Re: Character creation is a difficult process

    Between the group of you scrape together the $10 it costs for a month's subscription to the D&D Insider. Use the character builder to make all the characters, letting the builder do all the math for you. After the characters are created, it's easy enough to just pick feats and powers the old fashioned way as the characters level.

    As for my group, I use the builder create characters for 3-4 of us whenever we start a new campaign or season of Encounters. Some of the group don't have the time and others just don't seem interested in learning diddly squat about character optimization. (Not even the basics like 'a sorcerer should probably have a high charisma.' I kid you not, I've seen one of them show up to the session with an infernal hexblade with a 10 Con, 16 Dex, & 14 Cha. )
    Last edited by ghost_warlock; 2012-10-06 at 03:45 PM.