Quote Originally Posted by Winthur View Post
More playing against human players. Skillshots are a mix of aim (turn off mouse acceleration if you haven't already) and prediction (this will be learned as you pick up more game sense). Do not worry, since like most skills in this game, you can learn skills through "diffusion", as in, playing something extensively in one role will carry over to your skill in other champions in that role. I can land some sick Amumu bandage tosses and also some decent Blitzcrank grabs or Lee Sin Q's, for one.

One more thing you might want to do is not to start off ganks with your skillshots if at all possible. As Amumu, for instance, I like to walk up to the enemy laner, punch him with red buff, and only grab him with Q if he flashes away. Lee Sin is particularly great at it - dash to a minion (or a friendly ward!), E the enemy to slow him, apply Q on him, and follow up with the Q once he flashes away. Or launch the Q after the enemy flash and then follow up. This way you stick on target and it makes skillshots easier than wild 90* skillshots that might blow and only alert the laner to your presence.
Ok, thanks.

By the way, I drew what I think Battlecast Skarner might look like. A quick sketch albeit, but w/e.
