
“Does this look like a courtroom to you? You know what he is. You want a testimony; I’m giving it to you. He will too, if you’re willing to beat it out of him. Or maybe you know a court that’ll take his case. When’s the last time you heard someone charged with serving the forces of evil? You got a prison cell to hold him in of your own? The cops won’t give it to you.”

The woman gave the lighter a disdainful, confused glance. “We don’t harm innocents.” She replied to Kim, “But we don’t let people like him go free either. If we’d let this man escape, do you think he’d stop? Do you think those things that came to help him wouldn’t kill twice as many people if he was allowed to run free? “

Sola’s comment only drew the Champion’s glance for a split second. “I do what has to be done.”

She did move forward to pluck the gun from Mia’s hand, turning her eyes briefly to the gunman before facing the girl again. “Thank you." She paused. "I have information, I’m willing to share it. I don’t have time to tell you anything right now, and I’ve already got too many passengers. I’ll give you my word, and I’m giving you a choice. If you’re against the Darkness, give him to me. We have some of his friends, but he might know something they don’t. I’ll share what we find with you, and we can work together to undo whatever they’re working toward.” She paused. “Or you can stand in the way.”

((This is the important part! I’m going to give a little longer than usual, probably two days, for everyone to respond.

Will you give up an ally of the forces of evil to be questioned and most likely executed to gain information and a powerful ally, or will you harbor a member of the Cult of Broken Dreams from your own side to spare his life and have to fight a possibly valuable ally?

You decide! State it OOCly as well, so there’s no confusion.))