Quote Originally Posted by PairO'Dice Lost View Post
Well, there's always today! Go get 'em! You can do it! No time like the present! *insert whatever pithy motivational phrase you would find most effective*!

On that note, I never changed my "interested in" on Facebook after coming out to my friends. I might take the opportunity to do that today given the special occasion, but then again I really don't want to deal with the ensuing ****storm from the extended family right now. Hmm. Will have to think on that a bit more.


Update on yesterday's situation:

My manager filed his complaint about the nurse, hasn't heard anything back yet. Probably won't for a bit, if at all.

Lunch was...unpleasant, but not as bad as I expected. Most of the people who'd said stuff in the past apologized and said they didn't mean it and wouldn't have said anything if they'd known there was "a gay" in the room, which was a pleasant surprise--I didn't bother to point out that they shouldn't have said any of that anyway because, y'know, common decency...but hey, baby steps. There were, however, two of them (the girl I mentioned before and one other) who decided to turn it into a religious/moral debate, and we had a small audience as I basically played Whack-a-Mole with their arguments for an hour or so.

I've had plenty of practice with that sort of debate () and it seemed like they didn't, so it went well. Having most of the people around be on my side for once was a very nice change of pace (yay California!), and while I doubt I changed their minds at all we're at least back on exchanging-idle-chitchat terms again. So, yay, crisis mostly averted unless the re-org that's going on gets one of them shuffled onto my team or vice versa, but that's down the line and not something to worry about right now.
Go you!