Knowing how my family is, my reaction would probably be "... Do you want to go shopping for some different clothes?"

Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
Also! Kitty fair is best fairy (with apologies to Kenderfairies the world over; it was a close election! But the teacup crawled in my lap and purred :3)
The KenderFairies know that we are locked in an eternal and unwinnable battle of cutness against the KittenFairies.

Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
I agree with basically everything you said but that little bit of inclusiveness made me really happy.
Well, "women's issues" are important to me, but I always try to remember that not all women experience every "woman issue" and not all "woman issues" only affect women. Like a lot of things, it's a world of shades of grey and "most" and "statistically" and "almost all". Specifically, menstruation, pregnancy, etc, are very important topics to me, and they're feminist issues because they are overwhelmingly divided along gender lines, but even just restricting ourselves to cis people, not all cis women menstruate or can get pregnant. Besides, who wants to restrict themselves just to cis people?